How do I Check-in my 10kg bag with Ryanair?

How do I Check-in my 10kg bag with Ryanair? If you purchased the 10kg Check-In Bag (up to 10kg with maximum dimensions of 55cm x 40cm x 20cm) you may carry your small bag on board the aircraft, however the 10kg Check-In Bag must be deposited at the bag-drop desk prior to entering security.

Do I have to print my Ryanair Boarding Pass?

You can access your boarding pass on the Ryanair App once you have checked in. You do not need to print your boarding pass once you have access to the Ryanair App unless you are departing from a Moroccan airport.

Does Ryanair 10kg bag size include wheels?

This option entitles you to take a wheeled case onboard, weighing up to 10kg and measuring maximum 55cm x 40cm x 20cm, wheels and handles included, as well as an additional small personal bag.

How do I know if I have priority boarding Ryanair?

Who has priority boarding on Ryanair? Priority boarding on Ryanair is only available to those passengers who purchase it either on its own or through a package. The Priority + 2 Cabin Bags, Regular, and Flexi Plus packages all include priority boarding.

How does Ryanair check-in work?

You can check in for your Ryanair flight on the airline's website. Check-in times vary depending on whether you have purchased a seat and can be as early as 60 days before departure (if you've purchased a seat), and 24 hours before your departure if you choose not to purchase a seat.

Can I check-in my bags the day before with Ryanair?

The Bag Drop desks open at the latest 2 hours before the scheduled flight departure time and closes 40 minutes before the scheduled departure time unless you are notified otherwise before flight departure. Please check in your baggage as early as possible.

What is the Ryanair liquid policy?

Ryanair allows passengers to pack toiletries and make up into their hand luggage provided all liquids are in containers of no more than 100 ml. In addition, all liquids must be within one transparent, re-sealable plastic bag with dimensions of no more than 20 cm x 20 cm.

Do I check-in online if I need to check a bag?

Yes, you can use Online check-in even you have check-in baggage. Please drop your baggage at the baggage counter or the check-in counter no later than 60 minutes (International flight) prior or 30 minutes (Domestic flight) prior to the scheduled departure time of your flight.

Is it cheaper to add check-in baggage online?

It's nearly always cheaper to book extra hold luggage in advance rather than paying excess baggage fees at the airport. Airlines know that keeping within weight/size limits is not always possible, so they encourage you to plan ahead by selling extra weight online.

How do I self check-in at the airport?

Identify Yourself Walk up to an open kiosk. The kiosk will prompt you to identify yourself by inserting a credit card, typing in your flight confirmation code (locator number) or entering your frequent flyer number. Enter your identifying information using the touch screen.

How strict is Ryanair on 10kg?

You must adhere strictly to the baggage allowance on your booking. If your small bag or 10kg cabin bag does not fit in the baggage sizers, which are placed at every boarding gate, we will tag your bag and place it in the aircraft hold subject to payment of a gate bag fee.

What are the rules for checked baggage?

Checked Luggage Most airlines will allow you to check one bag and have one carry-on bag. There is normally a maximum weight limit of 50 pounds per checked bag as well as a size restriction. The most common maximum size bag allowed is 62 linear (total) inches. A common size bag for checking through is: 27 x 21 x 14.

What is not allowed in Ryanair baggage?

The following are strictly prohibited on board: Guns, firearms, or similar weapons; Pointed/edged weapons and sharp objects; Blunt instruments (that is any blunt instrument capable of causing injury, this includes some sporting equipment such as tennis rackets, hurleys, and baseball bats);