How do I change my 60+ Oyster card to Freedom Pass?

How do I change my 60+ Oyster card to Freedom Pass? Transferring your 60+ Oyster pass to a Freedom Pass As long as you didn't opt out of TFL sharing your data with London Councils you will be sent a letter asking you to confirm your name and address. Once we have received confirmation of your details we will issue you with a new Freedom Pass.

Will Oyster cards be phased out?

However, TfL has no plans phase the Oyster card out.

Can I use my over 60+ Oyster card before 9.30 on buses?

The 60+ Oyster-card allows Londoners to travel for free on TfL services from 09:00 am weekdays, as well as anytime on weekends and bank holidays. Any traveller who tries to use a 60+ Oyster-card before 09:00 is referred to as a “twirly”.

What is an older persons Freedom Pass?

The Older Person's Freedom pass allows its holders to travel for free across the TfL Network, with some time restrictions on certain modes of transport – please check with TfL prior to your journey. The eligibility criteria is based on age, which rises in line with the Women's state pension age.

What documents do I need for a Freedom Pass?

Documents and photograph
  • Current passport.
  • Medical card.
  • Birth certificate (unless your name has changed)
  • Current driving licence.
  • Letter of state pension entitlement (Please include your date of birth)
  • European ID card.

Do you have to live in London to get a Freedom Pass?

To be eligible for an older persons Freedom Pass: Your sole or principal residence must be in London.

What happens when my 60+ Oyster card expires?

When your 60+ London Oyster photocard expires you may be eligible for a Freedom Pass. If you agreed to share your data with London Councils when you applied for your 60+ London Oyster photocard, they'll send you a letter to confirm your name and address.

Is a 60+ Oyster card the same as a Freedom Pass?

If you're 60 or over and live in a London borough, you can get a 60+ London Oyster photocard until you're eligible for a Freedom Pass. You can't get a 60+ London Oyster photocard if you already have a Veterans Oyster photocard.