How do I ask for VFR-on-top?

How do I ask for VFR-on-top? You can request it on the ground, usually from clearance or ground control at a towered airport. Simply ask for an IFR climb to VFR-on-top. The controller will need to know your type aircraft and direction of flight.

Where is special VFR not allowed?

You can only conduct special VFR operations in controlled airspace below 10,000 MSL at an airport that has airspace extending down to the surface. Many Class C and B airports (listed in FAR 91) don't accommodate Special VFR clearances for IFR traffic separation reasons.

Can you ask the pilot to go to the cockpit?

Yes and No. The decision is up to the Captain and Cabin crew. As everyone else have already mentioned, yes you may be allowed before the flight take-off or after the flight lands but definitely not during mid-flight.

What do pilots say to ATC before takeoff?

A Proper Takeoff Call First, let them know who you are, where you are, and then what you'd like to do. Try to give them as much information as possible so they can plan appropriately.

Can a VFR pilot fly through clouds?

Under VFR, pilots are allowed to fly over clouds, but there are certain regulations they must follow. These regulations dictate the minimum vertical and horizontal distances a pilot must maintain from clouds depending on the airspace they are flying in.

Can a VFR pilot request VFR-on-top?

According to the FAA's Instrument Flying Handbook (IFH), pilots on IFR flight plans operating in VFR weather conditions may request VFR-on-top in lieu of an assigned altitude. This permits them to select an altitude or flight level of their choice (subject to any ATC restrictions).

When can a VFR-on-top clearance be assigned by ATC?

ATC may not authorize VFR-on-top/VFR conditions operations unless the pilot requests the VFR operation or a clearance to operate in VFR conditions will result in noise abatement benefits where part of the IFR departure route does not conform to an FAA approved noise abatement route or altitude.

How do you request VFR clearance?

As a pilot performing a VFR flight and departing from a controlled airfield, you must contact the ATC before taxi in order to have the initial VFR clearance. You will obtain this clearance from a ground or tower controller. In other airports, you may ask the approach controller to obtain your clearance.

How high can a VFR pilot fly?

VFR pilots can fly between 3,000 to 18,000 ft.

Can a VFR pilot fly at night?

In some countries, VFR flight is permitted at night, and is known as night VFR. This is generally permitted only under more restrictive conditions, such as maintaining minimum safe altitudes, and may require additional training as a pilot at night may not be able to see and avoid obstacles.