How do flight attendants greet?

How do flight attendants greet? As passengers board the plane, members of the cabin crew team are required to count each person using a clicker. In order to be discreet while they smile and welcome you onboard, the nifty little device is held behind their back.

What is the best seat for a nervous flyer?

He added: I always recommend sitting in either the front of the airplane or just over the wing if you are a nervous flyer. In a viral TikTok video shared back in May, airline pilot Jimmy Nicholson also said that the front of the plane is the best place to sit if you hate turbulence.

What do flight attendants say cross check?

It's an instruction to set the doors to automatic mode so that emergency evacuation slides will deploy when the door is opened. The cross-check means that after arming their assigned door, the flight attendant should check that their opposite number has also armed their door.

What is a phrase used by flight attendants?

'We will be flying at x feet' – The airline crew usually says this at the beginning of the flight. This phrase is used to tell you at which height the plane is going to be flying.

Why do flight attendants say Cheerio?

Mysterious user LTN330 wrote: There's the cheerio game you can play when passengers disembark. When you're standing there going 'buh-bye, thank you, take care' etc when you see someone you fancy, you say 'cheerio'. You need to do it with a buddy and the challenge is to keep a straight face.

What are 3 things flight attendants notice about passengers?

It's not abnormal — especially post-pandemic — to see passengers on a flight wearing medical masks. Flight attendants may make note of these passengers as potentially feeling sick, but they will also look for swollen or red eyes, sweating, or sweating when scanning guests.

How do you please a flight attendant?

How to make your flight attendant like you
  1. Say hi back. If a flight attendant greets you upon boarding, don't just ignore them. ...
  2. Listen to the safety demo. It's just polite. ...
  3. Headphones off! ...
  4. Be specific when ordering. ...
  5. Same for cold drinks. ...
  6. Say please and thank you. ...
  7. Magazines! ...
  8. Treats.

How do you address a flight attendant?

Furthermore, since it is generally considered pretty rude to address a person by their occupation—many servers in restaurants, for example, hate being called “waiter” or “waitress”—I would advise addressing a flight attendant with “sir” or “ma'am” if you need to use an address at all.

Do flight attendants ever date passengers?

“I can think of so many female flight attendants who have met their spouse on a flight.” Melissa, a flight attendant who blogs and asked us not to use her full name, says that she has dated a passenger just once, but has a collection of business cards given to her by flirtatious passengers.

How do flight attendants deal with rude passengers?

Keep it on the down-low. If a passenger raises a concern or looks as if they're about to cause a scene, respond in a calm, quiet manner. Sometimes all it takes is a simple request from Cabin Crew to stop a certain behaviour.

What do flight attendants say when greeting?

The Flight attendants will usually say “Welcome Aboard” when you first come on to the plane.

How do you say thank you to a flight attendant?

Here are five ways to give thanks to your flight crew:
  1. Hand out gift cards. Gift cards are a safe option that is always appreciated for its generosity and utility. ...
  2. Bring snacks. ...
  3. Deliver hand-written notes. ...
  4. Show kindness and respect. ...
  5. Have a donation made on your behalf.

Why do flight attendants sit on their hands?

They sit on their hands during take off and landing so that if there is any turbulence they are already braced and ready for it. So, it's basically just for safety.

Why do air hostesses have to be pretty?

She explains that the airlines consider their flight attendants and cabin crew as a PR 'product', which they polish to make sure people think that their airline is good. “Some airlines have grooming/image 'checkers' at the airport,” Ms Brown explains.

What is higher than a flight attendant?

The chief purser (CP), also titled as in-flight service manager (ISM), flight service manager (FSM), customer service manager (CSM) or cabin service director (CSD) is the senior flight attendant in the chain of command of flight attendants.