How do Europeans commute?

How do Europeans commute? Their wheels are trains, subways, trams, buses, and the occasional taxi. If you embrace these forms of transportation when visiting cities, you'll travel smarter. Nearly every European city has a fine network of subways, buses, trains, trams, or a combination.

How do most people get around in France?

In most French cities, public transit generally involves buses and tramways. The networks are usually dense in the town centre, and easy to take. Don't hesitate to ask other students about timetables and stops.

What is the most common form of transportation in Europe?

Traveling by car is the most common form of transport in the EU.

Which country in Europe has the best public transport?

Switzerland is often cited as the best European country in terms of public transport.

What is the average commute in the EU?

Average commuting time: 25 minutes In 2019, people in employment in the EU had an average commuting time of 25 minutes. Employed people in Latvia had the longest average commuting time (33 minutes), followed by Hungary and Luxembourg (both 29 minutes).

What is the average commute in France?

When asked about Duration of daily commute, 35 percent of French respondents answer 15 to 29 minutes. This online survey was conducted in 2023, among 2,033 consumers.

How do Europeans commute to work?

The mobility of the European population is primarily based on the use of private vehicles (50% use private vehicles daily, while only 16% use public transport and 12% use bicycles), such that daily commuting generates around 25% of CO2 emissions in Europe.

How does the average person get around in France?

In most French cities, public transit generally involves buses and tramways. The networks are usually dense in the town centre, and easy to take. Don't hesitate to ask other students about timetables and stops.

What is the best way to commute in France?

If you're sticking to the big cities, locals say that trains and air travel are the best ways to get around. But if you want to explore smaller towns and villages (where locals say you'll find many of the best things to do in France, like eating fresh oysters in Cancale), getting a rental car is a good idea.

Which country has the longest commute?

The country that spends the longest time stuck in traffic is Nigeria, with an average commute time of just under 62 minutes (each way!). Specifically in the capital of Lagos, traffic congestion can be extreme, with an estimated 10,000 passengers in each direction per hour during peak times.

What is the longest commute in Europe?

Türkiye professionals have the longest commute in Europe, with it taking approximately 48 minutes to commute from door to door, one way.

What is the average commute distance in France?

The source had asked working people in France living in cities with more than 20,000 inhabitants on the average distance they travelled to and from work in 2019. More than 30 percent of the people who responded to the study traveled between five and 14 kilometers daily on average.