How do Costa Ricans say hello?

How do Costa Ricans say hello? Hola = Hello. This is the basic way to say hello. Buenas = Shorthand way of saying hello, any time of day. It is more casual and works in the morning, afternoon, or evening.

Are Costa Ricans friendly?

Costa Ricans tend to be proud, friendly, and diverse people who enjoy sharing their culture and social activities with newcomers. Costa Rica is the place of pura vida (pure life), a contagious attitude of living life to the fullest.

Is it OK to wear shorts in Costa Rica?

Clothes. Costa Rica doesn't have a strict dress code so comfortable and casual is best for pretty much the entire country. At the beach where daytime temperatures reach up to 95 F (35 C) with high humidity, your wardrobe will consist of shorts, tank tops, tshirts and flip flops.