How do adults make friends abroad?

How do adults make friends abroad? Join school or travel abroad affiliated Facebook groups. Participate in Twitter chats with your school or program. Introduce yourself in online groups and forums for expats in the country you're traveling abroad in. Find and join make friends abroad chat groups on platforms like WhatsApp.

Where are the nicest people in the US?

The 10 Friendliest Cities in the U.S.
  • Alexandria, Virginia.
  • Honolulu, Hawaii. ...
  • Santa Fe, New Mexico. ...
  • Tucson, Arizona. ...
  • Key West, Florida. ...
  • Nashville. ...
  • Chicago. ...
  • Cincinnati, Ohio. A newcomer to this year's list, ??Cincinnati epitomizes that “Midwest nice” attitude this region of the country is known for. ...

What country is least friendly to tourists?

And the world's most unfriendly country, according to the data? Bolivia took the dubious honor, scoring a 4.1 out of seven on a scale of “very unwelcome” (0) to “very welcome” (7). Venezuela and the Russian Federation were next.

What is the most American friendly country in Europe?

Poland. About 73% of respondents gave the United States a favorable response. This favorability rating is the highest in Europe. Poland's positive attitudes toward the United States is rooted in President Reagan's stance against the USSR and America's help when Poland left the Soviet bloc.