How did the passengers on Flight 93 know what happened?

How did the passengers on Flight 93 know what happened? The passengers and crew were forced to the back of the plane and told to be quiet. Using airfones, passengers and crew began making calls to report the hijacking. They soon learned the shocking news about the other hijacked planes and quickly realized that Flight 93 was part of a larger attack on America.

Was Flight 93 buried?

Any plane debris there was mixed with hundreds of floors of concrete and steel, office furnishings and materials, and bodies — all of which complicated the case, investigators have said. Flight 93 wasn't lost to the crash. It was just buried, McCall said.

Why are there bloody marys on planes?

Blame the roar of the engines. Cornell University food scientists say airplane noise, which tends to hover around 85 decibels, can affect travelers' taste buds — suppressing their taste for sweet stuff and boosting the taste of umami-rich foods like tomato juice.

Why did the passengers of Flight 93 fight back?

Through their phone conversations, they learned of the first two attacks, and subsequently took quick action. Pushed to the back of the plane by hijackers, the passengers and crew took a vote – and decided to fight back to try and regain control of their airplane.

What did the lady on the plane say not real?

I'm not going to.” She then points dramatically toward the back of the plane to an unseen passenger and declaring, “That motherfucker is not real,” the camera cutting to confused passengers in the back of the plane.