How did people travel west before the railroads?

How did people travel west before the railroads? Before the first transcontinental railroad was completed in 1869, people traveled across the American West mainly by stagecoach. While railroads were available in the East, travel through the West was a slow, laborious process.

How did travelers reach the West in the mid 1800s without trains and highways?

Americans who did travel long distances overland to settle the West rode on wagon trails, like the Oregon Trail, rather than well-defined roads. Still, a few major roads served as important transportation links.

What were 2 new ways of transportation in Britain during the early 1800s?

The result of the hanges in the Industrial Revolution was a complex transport system including roads, rail, canals and the London Underground. The changes came in several stages. First Roads were improved, then Canals were built and finally the Railway was developed.