How deep is the water off the Bahamas?

How deep is the water off the Bahamas? In fact, over the banks, the water depth is often less than 10 meters (33 feet), but the surrounding basin plunges to depths as low as 4,000 meters (13,100 feet).

Where not to swim in Bahamas?

West End, Grand Bahama Island West End has some of the most shark-infested beaches in the world. Aptly named, Tiger Beach off of Grand Bahama is one of the world's top spots for seeing tiger sharks.

Can you jet ski from Florida to the Bahamas?

There are groups that make this ride regularly from Miami. Once you are fully prepared you need to decide on a route to The Bahamas. The most direct route is from Miami to Bimini. This route can take one and a half (1.5) hours.

What is the deepest body of water in the Bahamas?

The Tongue of the Ocean is a deep water basin in the Bahamas that is surrounded to the east, west and south by a carbonate bank known as the Great Bahama Bank. The deep blue water of the Tongue is a stark contrast to the shallow turquoise waters of the surrounding Bank.

Why is Bahamas water so clear?

Ocean water is clear due to the shallow sandy plateau of the Bahamas. Ocean depths are only 10 — 30m with white sand bottom for miles around the islands. Crystal clear.

Can you drink the water in the Bahamas?

Water -- Technically, tap water is drinkable throughout The Bahamas. Still, we almost always opt for bottled. Resorts tend to filter and chlorinate tap water more aggressively than other establishments; elsewhere, bottled water is available at stores and supermarkets, and tastes better than that from a tap.