How deep is the water around Ibiza?

How deep is the water around Ibiza? Houses the Balearic Islands The Menorca, Mallorca and the Cabrera are part of the former, while Ibiza and Formentera are in the latter. The surrounding waters are relatively shallow, less than 200 metres deep. The archipelago lies 50 to 100 miles east of the Spanish mainland.

Why is the sea so clear in Majorca?

The crystal-clear water we owe to the Poseidon grass, also called green treasure, on the seabed. This grass is abundant in the sea off the Balearic Islands. The protected Neptune grasslands and algae filter the water, making them extremely important for the marine ecosystem of the sea.

What ocean is Ibiza in?

Ibiza (Spanish: [i'ßi?a]), in Catalan: Eivissa ( locally [?j'vis?]; see below), is a Spanish island in the Mediterranean Sea off the eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula. It is 150 kilometres (93 miles) from the city of Valencia. It is the third largest of the Balearic Islands.

Why is the water so clear in Ibiza?

It's called Posidonia oceanica (named, of course, after the Greek sea god). This type of seagrass is found all over the Mediterranean, but the meadows around our islands are some of the best examples of their kind. So much so, in fact, that they have been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Why is the water in Mallorca so blue?

The crystal-clear water we owe to the Poseidon grass, also called green treasure, on the seabed. This grass is abundant in the sea off the Balearic Islands. The protected Neptune grasslands and algae filter the water, making them extremely important for the marine ecosystem of the sea.

Can you swim in the sea in Ibiza?

But apart from June, July, August and September, Ibiza is a fabulous destination to swim in the sea in May and October, to go for walks or cycling all year round, to sail practically every month, to take part in sports competitions in spring and autumn...