How deep is Eagle Ray Alley Key Largo?

How deep is Eagle Ray Alley Key Largo? This site is 20 to 30 feet deep, however it can have some current. It is ideal for Open Water training, and all levels of certified divers.

Is the Florida Keys reef dying?

This mass bleaching event has made an already bad situation worse. Well before summer, the area of healthy reefs in the Florida Keys had already declined by 90 percent, due to past heat waves, diseases, ocean acidification, and other threats. The majority of Florida's reefs that remain, meanwhile, are eroding.

How deep is the Jesus statue in Key Largo?

In 24 feet of water, on top of a three tiered concrete pedestal, the statue of Christ keeps constant vigil to the heavens. A patch reef surrounds the statue with very typical spur and groove formation. Its depths range from 30 feet to less than 0, as many parts actually come up out of the water at low tide.

How deep is Key Largo dive?

Deep wreck dives in Key Largo will be in water that is about 140 feet. The USS Spiegel Grove sits in approx 140 feet but most people stay within 90 to 110 feet deep. USCG Duanne sits at about 130 feet, most the dive will be around 105 ft.

How deep is the Christmas tree cave in Key Largo?

A great spot for beginners, juniors and even snorkelers, the depth here is only 25-30 feet, and the swim-throughs are a great way for divers work on their buoyancy control.

What time of year is best to scuba Key Largo?

When is the best time of year to go diving in Key Largo? The best time of year to go diving in Key Largo is year-round. Underwater visibility depends on the distance of the Gulf Stream and the strength of the wind, and both are not predictable and not seasonal.

Do you need to know how do you swim to snorkel in Key Largo?

A: Although it is best for you to be comfortable in the water, you do not have to know how to swim. Each guest is provided with a buoyancy vest that will assist with flotation so that you can view the reef. There are also flotation noodles and body boards in the water you can hang on to.

Does Key Largo have an underwater hotel?

Located in the lagoon at Key Largo Undersea Park, Jules' Undersea Lodge is the world's only underwater hotel where scuba diving is the only way to get to your room.

What is Key Largo known for?

Key Largo is world-renowned for its breathtaking underwater scenery, making it the perfect destination for diving and snorkeling enthusiasts. The area is home to the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park, which boasts the only living coral reef in the continental United States.