How can you prevent food poisoning in Zanzibar?

How can you prevent food poisoning in Zanzibar? It's important to remember to only drink bottled water and avoid ice cubes in drinks, as the tap water is not safe to drink. It's also a good idea to avoid raw or undercooked food, especially seafood, to reduce the risk of food poisoning.

What should I be careful of in Zanzibar?

Dress appropriately and respect Muslim cultural norms. Don't take your valuables to the beach. Lock your valuables in the hotel safe when you go out. Don't walk around alone after dark.

What is the dining taboo in Tanzania?

Tanzanians do not use their left hand when eating, or touching another person. Never eat with your left hand, hand something to another person with your left hand, or handshake with your left hand. Also, do not touch anything with your left hand, such as produce at the market.

Do I need to take malaria tablets for Zanzibar?

Recommendations. CDC recommends that travelers going to certain areas of Tanzania take prescription medicine to prevent malaria. Depending on the medicine you take, you will need to start taking this medicine multiple days before your trip, as well as during and after your trip.

When should I avoid Zanzibar?

Avoid traveling to Zanzibar during the two rainy seasons–November and March to May. This is when NOT to visit Zanzibar. The main rainy season is from mid-March to May. The rains usually peak in April, so avoid visiting this month.

Is it safe to eat fruit in Zanzibar?

Most food in Tanzania is safe to eat, but be wary of ice in drinks and washed salads and fruits, and always ask where the water has come from.

Is it safe to eat food in Zanzibar?

Safe eating while travelling in Zanzibar Ensure that all hot food is served piping hot rather than lukewarm. If something looks poorly prepared, especially meat or fish, it is better not to eat it. When it comes to street food, don't eat anything that might have been sat in the sun for too long.