How can we prevent damage to the Machu Picchu?

How can we prevent damage to the Machu Picchu? Implement a reservation system: A reservation system will help manage the flow of visitors, which will prevent overcrowding during peak season and protect the site from damage. 3. Use sustainable transportation: Encourage visitors to use public transportation, limiting the number of cars that travel to Machu Picchu.

How is overtourism affecting Machu Picchu?

Machu Picchu's urban growth has developed huge pollution problems due to human waste contaminating the rivers, and garbage being littered throughout the hiking trails.

What ended Machu Picchu?

Although Machu Picchu is considered to be a royal estate, it would not have been passed down in the line of succession. Rather it was used for 80 years before being abandoned, seemingly because of the Spanish conquests in other parts of the Inca Empire.

Is there security at Machu Picchu?

Machu Picchu offers security 24 hours a day; from the moment it moves from the Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport in Cusco to the Inca City of Machu Picchu; it is done through a digital communication system that allows to the Tourism Police control all motorized units and officers patrolling on foot, these ...

What is the biggest threat to Machu Picchu?

Threats to the Sanctuary Machu Picchu faces a variety of threats: excessive tourism, which is especially hard on the fragile site; the generation of solid waste; unsustainable agriculture practices; overgrazing and forest fires; aggravating erosion; landslides; mineral extraction; and the introduction of exotic plants.

How was Machu Picchu damaged?

While some of this damage can be attributed to slumping rocks or soil beneath the temples, in other instances, movement of many of the damaged blocks, including substantial gaps between some formerly interlocking blocks of stone, was likely driven by seismic shaking from at least two major quakes.