How can I boost my WiFi signal when traveling?

How can I boost my WiFi signal when traveling? Use a travel router to give your travel Wi-Fi a boost A travel router is a small device that improves your connection and increases your security while you're plugged into a public Wi-Fi network. It lets you set up a private network using an Ethernet connection from a public hotspot.

Should I turn off roaming when abroad?

If you want to stay connected to mobile phone service even if you travel away from your cell carrier's network, data roaming should be switched “on.” But if you want to avoid fees and you're aware of the risks of losing connectivity, then you can turn data roaming to “off.”

What setting should I put my phone on when traveling internationally?

To reduce data usage, make sure you turn off cellular data and set your phone to “airplane mode.” You don't want your phone to grab data the minute you take it off airplane mode, even for a minute. Turn off or restrict background apps that refresh or update automatically, using data even when the app is closed.

How can I use only Wi-Fi when traveling abroad?

When traveling internationally, you want to make sure you us Airplane mode when you are not under U.S. coverage. You can still access a wifi connection with Airplane mode active. You also want to turn your cellular data off in the Settings. That way you don't get any data charges.