How can I be polite in France?

How can I be polite in France? Bonjour is a very important greeting that you must always remember to say before anything else. Also remember the magic words merci and s'il vous plaît. Always address people as Monsieur, Madame or Mademoiselle unless you are invited to be on first-name basis. Use tu and vous properly.

How do you show respect in France?

Manners, politeness & greetings The 'bonjour' is usually followed by a handshake in a formal context or 'les bises' or kiss one on each side of the cheeks. The kisses on the cheeks demonstrate affection, friendship or respect. These customs have evolved with the global pandemic and may change over time.

Is it rude to not say hello in France?

In France, it's considered rude not to say hello every time you enter a shop or when you first begin a conversation with a local. Brush up on these ten French words or phrases that'll get you beyond bonjour.