How bad are the mosquitoes in Thailand?

How bad are the mosquitoes in Thailand? In Thailand, mosquitoes are responsible for spreading dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis, lymphatic filariasis, and malaria. Dengue Fever: This is prevalent in urban areas and cities such as Bangkok. Symptoms of this virus are typically a mild to severe fever, flu-like symptoms, eye pain, and a body rash.

Which US state has no mosquitoes?

Where in the U.S. Are There No Mosquitoes? Unfortunately, every state in the U.S. is populated with mosquitoes. But when compared to other regions, the states in the West and Northern parts of the U.S. are less prone to mosquitoes: Oregon, Michigan, Washington, and Nevada, for example.

Are mosquitos a problem in Phuket?

We have just got back from Phuket and I have to say this was the first time in my life that mosquitoes have bitten me. I am absolutely covered in bites and so are all of our family. We took Rid from Australia (recommended on this and other forums) but we found we got bitten more when we used it!!!

How safe is Thailand for tourists?

In general, Thailand is one of the safest countries in southeast Asia for travelers. But laws are strict, and you have to take precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable vacation. Where you go and what you intend to do in the country can mean different levels of safety for some travelers.

Are there mosquitoes in Hawaii?

The State of Hawai'i is home to eight invasive species of mosquitoes - six that bite humans and two that feed solely on plants.