How are Russian airlines getting spare parts?

How are Russian airlines getting spare parts? Russian airlines haven't been able to fly in the airspace of numerous countries. Carriers have had to cannibalize aircraft for spare parts to maintain Boeing and Airbus airliners. Some Russian airlines, though, have also found ways to circumvent the sanctions to buy avionics and other parts.

Are Russian airlines running out of parts?

Sanctions as a result of the invasion of Ukraine have made it impossible for Russian companies to purchase certain spare parts to maintain their aircraft since February 2022, but it seems that nothing has changed for the passengers. However, a series of leaks has uncovered the industry's negligence in ensuring safety.

How Russian airlines have been able to skirt sanctions and keep flying?

In January, the government legalized transferring parts from those parked planes. The airlines also benefit from the relative youthfulness and reliability of their Western-built airliners, says John Goglia, a former airline mechanic and ex-member of the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board.

How long can Russian planes keep flying?

Still, by 2025, Russia is expected to be left with just 70 percent of its foreign-made airplanes. The primary goal for Russian civil aviation right now is to stay afloat until 2030.

Can Russian planes fly out of Russia?

Following its invasion of Ukraine, Russia lost the ability to operate much of its commercial aircraft fleet outside Russia. Most of the aircraft operating for Russian airlines are leased from foreign lessors and subject to sanctions and repossession if they leave Russia.