Has there ever been a maelstrom?

Has there ever been a maelstrom? Some maelstroms develop because of temporary environmental conditions, while some exist in areas that are so conducive to their existence that they've existed for hundreds of years. There are three permanent maelstroms: Saltstraumen—the world's strongest maelstrom located off the coast of Norway.

Has a whirlpool ever sunk a ship?

In one tragic event in 1835, a two-masted schooner from Deer Island set sail with two brothers aboard. She went down in the whirlpool while the poor boys' mother watched in horror from shore as the schooner sank helplessly.

Is a maelstrom a natural disaster?

A maelstrom is a powerful whirlpool. A luckless ship might go down in one, and conflicting ocean currents might cause one. These days, you're more likely to hear maelstrom used metaphorically to describe disasters where many competing forces are at play.