Has the tomb of Alexander the Great been found?

Has the tomb of Alexander the Great been found? Though ancient authors such as Strabo, Leo Africanus, and others described the tomb, its location relative to the modern city remains a mystery. The tomb's murky location hasn't kept archaeologists from searching for it. Records exist of more than 140 officially sanctioned excavations, all of which failed.

What famous person was buried alive?

According to a popular legend recorded by Joannes Zonaras and George Kedrenos, two 11th-century and 12th-century Byzantine Greek historians, the 5th century Roman emperor Zeno was buried alive in Constantinople after becoming insensible from drinking or an illness.

Is Cleopatra mentioned in the Bible?

Recently, I opened on 1 Maccabees 10:57, and the first thing I saw was Cleopatra. Understand that not every version of the bible has Maccabees included in it.