Has Death Valley ever been cold?

Has Death Valley ever been cold? Record Temperatures Death Valley holds the record for the hottest place on earth. Oddly enough, 1913 was also the year that saw Death Valley's coldest temperature. On January 8, the temperature dropped to 15°F (-10°C) at Furnace Creek.

Why does Death Valley get so cold?

Winter temperatures, however, can actually get quite cold because the desert does not retain heat when the surrounding air cools off. There are seasons to Death Valley, Stachelski said. It can get warm in the winter on certain days, but there are days in the winter that can get to freezing.

Has it ever snowed in Death Valley?

Yes, It Even Can Snow NWS-Las Vegas official records say a trace of snow was recorded on three other dates, most recently January 4-5, 1974, and January 22, 1962. A prolonged cold snap in January of 1949 also deposited trace snow amounts in the valley, briefly covering the ground at Furnace Creek Ranch before melting.

Does anybody live in Death Valley?

More than 300 people live year-round in Death Valley, one of the hottest places on Earth. Here's what it's like.

Has it ever rained in Death Valley?

Death Valley's previous wettest day of all time was recorded on Aug. 5, 2022, when it received 1.70 inches of rain, NWS said. Yesterday (August 20, 2023), Death Valley National Park observed 2.20 of precipitation at the official gauge near Furnace Creek.

Has it ever rained at Death Valley?

20 rainfall record was measured — gets 2.15 inches in an entire year, said Death Valley park ranger Elyscia Letterman. Higher amounts fell in the mountains in the park. At Hunter Mountain, 5.6 inches of rain was measured, Lamar said. Rain has always been a part of Death Valley's story, Letterman said.

What is the largest animal in Death Valley?

The largest native mammal in the area, and perhaps the best-studied member of the fauna, is the desert bighorn. Small herds of these sheep are most commonly found in the mountains surrounding Death Valley, but they occasionally visit the valley floor.

Do any animals live in Death Valley?

Life in Death Valley Coyotes, ravens, roadrunners, ground squirrels and lizards are the most commonly seen wildlife of the region, but there are many species who thrive here, hidden or unnoticed by visitors.

Are there any snakes in Death Valley?

Sidewinder Rattlesnake The sidewinder, or the horned rattlesnake, is one of the deadliest animals in Death Valley.