Has anyone tried to claim Bir Tawil?
Has anyone tried to claim Bir Tawil? Due to its status as de jure unclaimed territory, a number of individuals and organizations have attempted to claim Bir Tawil as a micronation.
Can I start my own country?
As tempting as it might be to declare your cubicle a sovereign state, customary international law actually does specify minimum standards for statehood. You must have a defined territory. You must have a permanent population. You must have a government.
Can I go and claim Bir Tawil?
Since no states claims Bir Tawil as its sovereign territory, it is terra nullius which may be claimed by anyone. Thus, assuming you fulfilled the other criteria for statehood, you may simply claim the land, and assuming you have control over the land, then it's yours.
Are there no laws in Bir Tawil?
Bir Tawil is the last truly unclaimed land on earth: a tiny sliver of Africa ruled by no state, inhabited by no permanent residents and governed by no laws.
Can I claim an island?
The answer is yes, you can claim unclaimed islands but it is going to be difficult. Unclaimed islands are usually unclaimed for a reason and are mostly declared national monuments.
Can I just claim an uninhabited island?
Can I just claim that an uninhabited island is mine, if I found one? Unless the country has a policy that allows for this (like the Homestead Act in the United States,) no, the island belongs to someone, and that someone is not you.