Has anyone ever gone to the South Pole?

Has anyone ever gone to the South Pole? The first humans to reach the South Pole were Roald Amundsen and his team of Norwegian explorers on December 14, 1911. After a two-month journey south from the Antarctic coastline, Amundsen's team erected a tent at the Pole and named their camp Polheim, flying the Norwegian flag and the flag of their ship, the Fram.

Why do you have to remove wisdom teeth to go to Antarctica?

You get cavities. But we require wisdom teeth to be removed, only when they are abnormal,” McKeith explained. Dental infections can become dangerous quickly—so quickly that those who develop a wisdom tooth infection while in Antarctica may not be able to reach proper medical care before serious damage occurs.

Is Antarctica a land or ice?

The Arctic is an ocean, covered by a thin layer of perennial sea ice and surrounded by land. (Perennial refers to the oldest and thickest sea ice.) Antarctica, on the other hand, is a continent, covered by a very thick ice cap and surrounded by a rim of sea ice and the Southern Ocean.

Why don t planes fly over North Korea?

There is also a risk of mistaken identity in or near the ZKKP/Pyongyang FIR boundary, as North Korea are threatening to actively shoot down reconnaissance aircraft in their airspace. The US prohibits flights across all North Korean airspace, including the oceanic part of the ZKKP/Pyongyang FIR over the Sea of Japan.