Has anyone crossed Lake Michigan in a kayak?

Has anyone crossed Lake Michigan in a kayak? TWO RIVERS - After paddling across Lake Michigan five times, Twin Cities resident Mike Stout is no stranger to the water. He said he's even picked up a nickname from a Michigan waitress: The Lake Rider.

Has anyone ever tried to swim across Lake Michigan?

Dreyer is the only person to swim the width of Lake Michigan between Wisconsin and Michigan, having swum from Two Rivers, Wisconsin, to Ludington, Michigan, in 1998. In the 2023 swim, he was attempting to beat his own record by swimming 25 miles further in the route from Milwaukee to Grand Haven.

What is the speed limit on Lake Michigan?

Maximum speed 55 m.p.h. in all water unless otherwise regulated. 3. Michigan law states that a person operating a vessel shall operate it in a careful and prudent manner and at such a rate of speed so as not to unreasonably endanger the life or property of any person.

Has anyone successfully swam across Lake Michigan?

Dreyer successfully swam across Lake Michigan from Two Rivers, Wisconsin, to Ludington State Park 25 years ago, according to previous reporting.