Does Versailles still smell today?

Does Versailles still smell today? While it smells fine now, hygiene practices (or the lack thereof) in France during Louis XIII's reign meant that the palace smelled like urine, fecal matter, and more. Some claim that a lack of toilets in the palace even led some visitors to relieve themselves behind curtains and pillars.

Why are there no bathrooms in Versailles?

Rooms with toilets, cesspools, and drainage systems only started to become common in the 19th century. At the Palace of Versailles, people would conduct their business in the corridors or in the gardens. In 1715, it was decreed that once a week the feces would be collected from the corridors.

How much would Versailles cost today?

How much would it cost to build Versailles in today's money? Versailles Palace could take anywhere between $2-300 billion to build in today's money.

How much does it cost to rent out the Palace of Versailles?

The venue rent itself varies from 18 000 euro for the Crusades Rooms to 70 000 euro for the Gallery of Battles or Orangerie. Considering the unique facilities of the Versailles Palace, it is highly recommended to opt for the additional services of operating fountains and fireworks.

How many toilets were there in Versailles?

Public Toilets Were Unheard Of In The 18th Century In fact, flush toilets themselves were a new invention. There were only two or three in the palace and these were the private property of the king, the queen and the dauphin (the first in line for the throne). Marie Antoinette's personal toilet.

Why was Versailles so smelly?

While it smells fine now, hygiene practices (or the lack thereof) in France during Louis XIII's reign meant that the palace smelled like urine, fecal matter, and more. Some claim that a lack of toilets in the palace even led some visitors to relieve themselves behind curtains and pillars.

Is there a toilet in Versailles?

There are several toilets and free changing tables for babies at your disposal all over the Estate. In the Palace, there are toilets and changing tables before the ticket checks in the South Ministers' Wing and after the ticket checks in the basement of the Dufour Pavilion (Entrance A).

How much is a night at Versailles?

You Can Now Spend the Night Inside the Palace Versailles For a Kingly $2,000 a Night. The historic site is now a hotel. Photo courtesy of Airelles Château de Versailles, Le Grand Contrôle.