Does Uber allow drivers to smoke?

Does Uber allow drivers to smoke? Drinking or smoking while on the job. An Uber or Lyft driver is required to be sober when working under either company. If they are found smoking or driving in the vehicle while a rider is present, they will likely lose their job as their negligent actions may pose a safety risk to the rider.

What is the Uber whistleblower?

Show. The Uber files is a global investigation based on a trove of 124,000 documents that were leaked to the Guardian by Mark MacGann, Uber's former chief lobbyist in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Can Uber ban you for throwing up?

Just sometimes, I've had drunk people. Two or three times, they've thrown up in my car, Farman said. Now, if drunk passengers vomit in his car, they could be banned from using Uber. It's in the new rules put in place by Uber to protect drivers and riders.

What happens if I throw up in an Uber?

Originally Answered: What happens if you throw up in an Uber? You will be charged a clean up fee. This will appear on your credit card.

Can Uber drivers reject rides?

Uber explains in TOS that a driver can decline any ride for any reason . You are very correct about this.

Will an Uber driver wait at a stop?

up to the driver's discretion, but advised to keep stops under 3 minutes. i won't wait longer than 5.

What is the biggest scandal about Uber?

At the time, Uber was not just one of the world's fastest-growing companies - it was one of the most controversial, dogged by court cases, allegations of sexual harassment, and data breach scandals. Eventually shareholders had enough, and Travis Kalanick was forced out in 2017.

What annoys Uber drivers?

Avoid these behaviors to ensure a smooth ride for both you and your driver.
  • You don't give a five-star rating, even though your ride was perfectly fine. ...
  • You don't tip. ...
  • You keep them waiting after they arrive to pick you up. ...
  • You cancel at the last minute. ...
  • You put your music on way too loud.

How far can Ubers take you?

There isn't a limit for how far an Uber can take you, but there is a time limit. Uber now limits the duration of any single trip to eight hours. Assuming you're taking a highway trip with no traffic, that means your Uber could easily take you 400 miles before the time limit kicked in.

What to do if Uber smells like smoke?

You could try politely requesting the windows be opened to try to flush it out. A heavy smoke smell suggesting its impregnated into the upholstery would be legitimate grounds for refusing, in my opinion. Can Uber drivers refuse a ride if they don't like the look of their passengers?

What will get you banned from Uber?

Use of inappropriate and abusive language or gestures. For example, asking overly personal questions, using verbal threats, and making comments or gestures that are aggressive, sexual, discriminatory, or disrespectful. 4. Unwanted contact with the driver or fellow passenger after the trip is over.

Can you request female drivers on Lyft?

Can You Request a Female Lyft Driver? No, you can't request a female Lyft driver. But if female passengers feel uncomfortable with the driver, they can cancel the ride and book another. After so many people filed sexual assault cases against the app, they established safety measures to protect drivers and passengers.

Why do Uber drivers cancel rides after accepting?

Uber CEO admits drivers cancel rides when they don't want to go to planned destination it's of course why drivers call riders asking where they're going, in places that they don't see the destination up front. Seeing this from Delta (and from United) more often lately.

Can a 13 year old ride an Uber alone?

Yes. When a trip request comes from a teen account: The teen is allowed to bring other riders with them, but those other riders must be 13 years old or older. Guest riders aged 13 to 17 must have permission from a parent or legal guardian.