Does Travis Bickle have PTSD?
Does Travis Bickle have PTSD? Travis Bickle (Robert DeNiro), age 26, is Taxi Driver's lonely, alienated ?hero.? Yes, he's a Vietnam War vet, ex-marine, and likely has his share of PTSD. But, his problems stem from something much deeper than war trauma. He must have suffered some kind of childhood trauma, to be sure.
Why is taxi driver so praised?
Scorsese injects a real understanding of the place and a real sense of foreboding into even the earliest scenes. He inserts clever and meaningful shots into scenes that other directors might just have filmed straight and his choice of scene and shot compliments the script is depicting Travis descending into madness.
Is Travis Bickle an introvert?
Dominant Introverted Intuition (Ni): Travis Bickle is a perpetually introverted, isolated character, trapped in his own internal delusions/ideas about the world around him.