Does travelling cause fever in child?

Does travelling cause fever in child? There are different types of travel-associated infections that cause fever, along with other symptoms to include diarrhea, vomiting, rashes, and muscle aches. The most common of these include malaria, dengue, typhoid fever, and chikungunya.

Is it common for kids to get sick after traveling?

It's fun to travel. But being away from our usual eating and sleeping routines can make it more likely for someone to get sick. It takes time to adjust to the food, water, and air in a new environment. And kids can be at risk for travel-related problems like motion sickness, diarrhea, and infections.

Can you get a viral infection from traveling?

Because most common travel-associated infections have short incubation periods, most ill travelers will seek medical attention =1 month of returning from their destinations. Dengue and other arboviral infections, influenza, and travelers' diarrhea are examples of infections with shorter incubation periods (<2 weeks).

Should I fly if my child has a fever?

A sick baby can deteriorate rapidly, so if your baby doesn't seem like his normal self and has a high fever, you should delay flying until he's feeling better. If your sick baby gets worse during the flight, he won't necessarily be able to get medical help, which is why it's safer not to fly.