Does the FBI work at airports?

Does the FBI work at airports? We also investigate the following airport-based violations: Violence against persons and property at international airports. The FBI investigates this violation if: the victim or offender is a United States national.

Are airports controlled by the federal government?

Airports are locally owned and operated. All but one U.S. commercial airport are owned and operated by public entities, including local, regional or state authorities with the power to issue bonds to finance some of their capital needs.

What to do if the FBI knocks on your door?

If you are unsure whether you have committed a federal crime, this is even more reason not to speak with FBI agents when they show up at your door. You need to speak with an attorney promptly, and you need to hire an attorney to intervene in the investigation to determine whether or not you are being targeted.

How long is FBI training?

All special agents begin their career at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, for 20 weeks of intensive training at one of the world's finest law enforcement training facilities. During their time there, trainees live on campus and participate in a variety of training activities.

Are there FBI agents in airports?

The FBI has special agents and task force officers assigned as airport liaison agents (ALAs) at each of the nation's TSA-regulated airports in order to respond to aviation-related incidents and threats, participate in joint FBI-TSA airport vulnerability assessments, and interact with interagency and private sector ...

Is the TSA part of the FBI?

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that has authority over the security of transportation systems within, and connecting to the United States.