Does the 787 use a yoke?

Does the 787 use a yoke? The 777 became the first aircraft to feature the new system, with the subsequent 787 and 747-8s improving the technology. It's clear that Boeing sees no reason to move away from the yoke.

Why does the 737 have no gear doors?

Since the plane was deliberately designed to be low, there wasn't enough space under the aircraft to accommodate wheel well doors for the main landing gear. If implemented, the doors will likely come in contact with the runway, taxiway or apron surface should they be deployed on the ground.

Are all 787 grounded?

While the 787 Dreamliners have not been grounded, the FAA had ordered a halt to deliveries of the widebody jet between May of 2021 and July of 2022 as it looked into questions about quality control during its assembly process.

What makes 787 Dreamliner special?

This high aspect ratio wing design combined with efficiency enhancing raked wing tips allow the 787 to be one of the fastest commercial aircraft (Mach 0.85 cruise speed) while consuming less fuel than today's comparably sized aircraft.

Why aren t a380s used for cargo?

Not well-designed for cargo The A380 is so large that a freighter-equivalent would offer the largest payload capacity of any aircraft other than the An-225, which was used to carry Soviet spaceships. The A380's emphasis on volume makes sense as a vehicle optimized for passengers, not cargo.