Does Tenerife have alcohol restrictions?

Does Tenerife have alcohol restrictions? According to the decree-law, it means that in all-inclusive hotels there will be a maximum of six alcoholic drinks per day (3 at lunch and 3 at dinner). Also, the sale of alcohol in shops is prohibited between 9:30 pm and 8 am, and also advertising which encourages the consumption of alcohol is prohibited.

Can you smoke in Tenerife?

Avoid drinking, smoking, or vaping in public spaces ? either on the streets or on the beach. It's prohibited across all the Canary Islands. You could face a hefty fine if caught. Instead, look for any bar, restaurant or cafe that has quiet outdoor seating with designated smoking neighborhoods.

Where is the 6 drink rule in Spain?

Where in Spain has the 6 drink limit? Those staying in all-inclusive hotels in Magaluf, El Arenal, Playa de Palma in Mallorca and Sant Antoni in Ibiza will be limited to six alcoholic drinks per day.

What is the 6 drink rule in Canary Islands?

There is a maximum of six alcoholic drinks per person per day that can be served and these drinks will be provided only during lunch and ... 4 litres of still wine. 16 litres of beer. Tobacco.

What are the new all-inclusive rules in Spain?

Has all-inclusive rules changed in Spain? The legislation was enforced in January 2022, and limits all-inclusive guests to six alcoholic beverages per day - three at lunch and three at dinner. The new laws came into effect to reduce the “issues of over-consumption of alcohol,” according to

Can you drink alcohol in public in Tenerife?

Drinking on the streets It's prohibited across all the Canary Islands. You could face a hefty fine if caught. Instead, look for any bar, restaurant or cafe that has quiet outdoor seating with designated smoking neighborhoods.

Is it safe to go to Tenerife nightlife?

Tenerife is generally safe at night, however, as with any destination, it is important to take precautions. It is best to avoid walking alone at night, especially in unfamiliar areas, and to stay in well-lit and populated areas. It is also important to be aware of your surroundings and to keep your valuables secure.

How much are drinks in Tenerife?

Bar prices in Tenerife Irish bars tend to be a bit more expensive, with local beers costing about €4, and Guinness about €5. Gin and Tonics cost from €5.50 upwards (depending on the gin), with similar prices for a local Rum and Coke. A glass of wine typically costs about €3.50 and alcopops start at about €3.

What is the most popular drink in the Canary Islands?

  • Ron miel. Ron miel is the most popular Canarian drink among visitors and most leave Gran Canaria with a bottle in their suitcase. ...
  • Wine. Gran Canaria was a global wine exporter back in Shakespeare's day, but its wine industry was in the doldrums until the last few years. ...
  • Tropical. ...
  • Rum. ...
  • Mejunje. ...
  • Banana liqueur.

Can you smoke on balcony in Tenerife?

You can smoke on your balcony and it's not really a problem when in bars and restaurants, as you can walk onto the pavement and smoke there (there are a few that will now allow smoking on the terrace).

What should I be careful about in Tenerife?

Safety Tips to Avoid Petty Crime Keep your belongings secure at all times and avoid leaving them unattended, particularly on beaches or in public areas. Be cautious when using public transportation, as theft is common.

What is the alcohol limit in Tenerife?

It is against the law to drink and drive in Tenerife. New drivers, (who have held a licence for two years or under) have a limit of 0.1 milligrams of alcohol per millilitre of blood. All other drivers are limited to 0.5 milligrams or 0.5 %. The best advice is to avoid drinking whilst driving completely.

Do you need cash in Tenerife?

Only the most remote restaurants and bars won't have a card reader. Mind you, you'll often find that some shops and restaurants prefer cash for small purchases. So, it's always useful to carry a few euros to help with budgeting and emergencies. And that'll also be handy for tipping waiters and drivers.