Does Tenerife get bad weather?

Does Tenerife get bad weather? Rain is most likely between November and February, but the average six hours of daily sunshine and average peak temperatures above 21 °C. August is when most tourists visit. At any time of year Tenerife can experience Calima – a hot and dusty wind with origins in the Sahara.

Why is the air quality in Tenerife unhealthy?

Why is Tenerife so polluted? Road traffic is the main anthropogenic source of pollution. In S/C de Tenerife, with a population of nearly 219,000 inhabitants, such dispersive conditions are diminished when the winds come from the east/southeast because the Anaga Massif circles the city to the north/northwest.

Which US is the hottest Canary Island?

Lanzarote. Lanzarote tends to be the hottest and most arid of the Canaries, as it is closest to the Sahara desert and because it is one of the lowest lying islands. The Sahara can bring high temperatures and fine sand to Lanzarote, causing occasional heatwaves.

Which is nicer Gran Canaria or Tenerife?

Go for Tenerife if you prefer popular tourist destinations with great restaurants and nightlife. On the other hand, Gran Canaria is your best bet if you want to explore the breathtaking landscapes and outstanding beaches.

Can you swim all year round in Tenerife?

Tenerife is a stunning holiday destination with all year round sunshine. The climate is perfect for open water swimming in the Tenerife sea, where average air temperatures range between 17 C and 24 C with sea temperatures rarely dropping far below 20 C.

Does it rain a lot in Tenerife?

In Tenerife, it rains around 31 days a year. Rainfalls are more frequent in winter and in inland areas. If you visit Tenerife during the winter, you may see some snowy peaks in the Teide and its surroundings.

What time does it get dark in Tenerife in February?

During February you can expect 11 hours of daylight each day with 7 hours of sunshine. Be wary of the UV index which is at a high level despite it still technically being winter; sunset's just before 7pm at the beginning of February, gradually getting later as the month goes on.

Why is it so cold in Tenerife?

The weather is cooler than North Africa due to the northeasterly trade winds and the temperate Canary Current. This is cool water that swells up from deep in the Atlantic Ocean and affects the sea temperature and weather in Tenerife.

What is the best month to visit Tenerife?

Average monthly temperatures For the highest temperatures the best time to visit Tenerife is between June and September although the winter and spring months especially around Christmas, half term and Easter often the busiest times of the year due to the increased likelihood of sunshine.

Can you swim in Tenerife in January?

It's possible to swim in the sea at this time of year but it's generally a little too cool for most. The average sea temperature is 20 C.

Is the sea in Tenerife hot?

The graph below shows the range of monthly Santa Cruz de Tenerife water temperature derived from many years of historical sea surface temperature data. The warmest water temperature is in September with an average around 74.7°F / 23.7°C. The coldest month is March with an average water temperature of 66.6°F / 19.2°C.

Which Canary Island has the best weather?

Tenerife is one of the warmest Canary Islands, especially during winter. South Tenerife usually has the best weather and north Tenerife can be cloudy and rainy. The south side of Gran Canaria is also considered to have the best weather among the Canary Islands group.

Are there mosquitoes in Tenerife?

There are mosquitoes on Tenerife but not a lot. You will find them more in some areas than others, and importantly, they only appear at cer-tain times of the year. Tenerife fans often visit the island at the same time each year. If that happens to be at time when there aren't mossies, then they will never see one.

Why is air quality unhealthy in Canary Islands?

Road traffic is the main anthropogenic source of pollution. In S/C de Tenerife, with a population of nearly 219,000 inhabitants, such dispersive conditions are diminished when the winds come from the east/southeast because the Anaga Massif circles the city to the north/northwest.

Is it safe to swim in the ocean in Tenerife?

The water on the coast of Tenerife is not particularly warm, but you can still swim, even during the winter months. On the other hand, the lower water temperature (due to cold currents) provides excellent natural protection from dangerous sea creatures.

When should you avoid Canary Islands?

The best times to visit the Canary Islands are between March and May and from September to November. Winter and summer bring loads of tourists, which make accommodations more expensive and more difficult to find.

What is the cheapest month to go to Tenerife?

Cheaper times The cheapest months include March, April, May (excluding the Easter period), October and November. The temperature in Tenerife rarely dips below 18°C in these months, so sightseeing, hiking and other activities are all still possible – and there will be fewer people on the beaches.