Does Preparation H work on eye bags?

Does Preparation H work on eye bags? King, Preparation H can theoretically improve under-eye bags because of the constricting effect—but it comes with risks, so you're better off using products meant for the eyes. “Preparation H can hypothetically be helpful for under-eye bags because it constricts blood vessels, which can reduce puffiness,” she says.

How to get rid of under eye bags permanently without surgery?

Can You Eliminate Under Eye Bags Without Surgery?
  1. Treat your allergy symptoms.
  2. Avoid rubbing your eyes.
  3. Get more rest.
  4. Use creams with caffeine, which work as a vasoconstrictor to tighten blood vessels under the eyes.
  5. Lay a cool compress or chilled tea bag under the eyes for a few minutes each morning while sitting upright.