Does Premier Inn allow guests?
Does Premier Inn allow guests? The maximum room occupancy is two adults. Family rooms (where available) can accommodate two adults (18 years and over) and two children (under the age of 16 years).
Do Premier Inn charge by the room or per person?
Are the rates shown on this website per person or per room? Our rates are per room, per night.
Can I bring a girl to my hotel room?
If you don't book a double room, chances are that they won't let you bring anyone from outside the hotel into your room, not even for a fee. If you book a double room alone, they will often let you bring girls in with no questions asked, and if not, they will do so for a small fee. Book a double room if possible.
Can 2 people stay in a hotel room booked for one?
What happens when two people stay in a hotel room reserved for one? Then there will be some fallout. You will be charged for the extra person or asked to leave etc. The overwhelming majority of all accommodation is sold on a two people per room basis with a double bed or two single beds.
Can more than 2 people sleep in a hotel room?
Hotel room rates are based on double occupancy. You usually don't have to pay extra for kids in the room. But hotels often charge $20 to $50 per additional adult per night, Banas says. To avoid this fee, you need to be aware of it before you book so that you can search for another hotel that doesn't charge it.
Is tea free in Premier Inn?
There's no kettle in your room however you can help yourself to free coffee and PG tips tea throughout the day. You'll also find a complimentary bottle of water in your room.
Can I bring guests to my hotel room?
Most hotels allow visitors, but there might be restrictions on the number of visitors and their duration of stay. Hotels typically allow guests to have visitors in their rooms, but they may have rules about the number of visitors and how long they can stay.
Do hotels need ID of both guests?
Most hotels require two forms of identification for each person staying in the room. This is to ensure that all guests are accounted for and that the hotel can contact them if necessary.
Do hotels mind if 5 people stay in a 2 person room?
If you attempt to have five people stay in a 2-person room, it is likely to be against the hotel's policies. Most hotels strictly enforce their occupancy limits to ensure the safety and comfort of all guests and to comply with local regulations.
Can a friend visit you in a hotel?
If your friend wishes to join you in your room, they will need to register as an additional guest with the front desk staff and provide a valid form of payment for any potential charges associated with their stay. Why do hotels charge extra for more people staying in the same room? Do they care enough to check?
What happens if you bring an extra person to a hotel room?
Hotels don't allow extra guests in most cases, but it's often difficult for them to know you've added guests unless you cause trouble. Some hotels charge additional fees for adding people to your party, but oftentimes, they need to have an accurate headcount for fire and safety reasons.
Can I share a hotel room with my boyfriend?
If you're short on time, here's a quick answer to your question: Yes, you can stay in a hotel with your boyfriend. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore hotel policies and practices regarding unmarried couples staying together.
Can hotel staff sleep with guests?
If you're wondering about the boundaries and policies surrounding hotel staff and guests, we have all the information you need. If you're short on time, here's a quick answer to your question: No, hotel staff are generally not allowed to sleep with guests.
Can I bring a stranger to my hotel room?
The staying guest must always be notified that they have a visitor and the guest will have to confirm. A visitor cannot just be sent to a room without verification. It depends on the hotel policy, but most hotels would allow visitors. Some hotels, however, will charge if an extra person sleeps in the room.
Do hotels know if you have extra person?
If you are ordering food, bedding and toiletries for more that 2 people they are going to notice. If your stay is long they may notice but if you are only there a night or 2 and you are quiet about it I doubt they would. Hotel do have a legal obligation to know how many people for safety concerns.