Does National Trust membership cover all UK?
Does National Trust membership cover all UK? You can use your membership card to explore over 500 special places cared for by the National Trust across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Is Windsor Castle free for National Trust members?
Don't forget that if you are a National Trust member you can enjoy free entry to pay-for-entry properties, as well as free car parking at National Trust car parks.
Is Kew Gardens English Heritage?
The whole site is Grade I on the English Heritage Register of Park and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England Permission to carry out works or change functions is subject to the approval of the local authorities, who consult English Heritage in the case of listed buildings and conservation areas.
Is National Trust membership worth the money?
A National Trust membership is absolutely worth it. With over incredible 500 sites to visit for free throughout the country it is easy to see how the National Trust has amassed so many members! We have now renewed our membership and are looking forward to seeing what places we're able to visit in 2022.
Can I use my National Trust membership abroad?
Using your card across the world Members of the National Trust for England, Wales and Northern Ireland also benefit from free visiting arrangements with 14 similar heritage organisations in other countries including Scotland, Italy, the Bahamas and Canada via the International National Trusts Organisation (INTO).
Can I use my National Trust card at Edinburgh Castle?
There is no discount if you are a member of the National Trust. Helpful? You get free entry if a member of Historic Scotland or in the second and subsequent years of English Heritage membership. During the first year of English Heritage membership you get half price entry.
Which is better National Trust or English Heritage?
Both charities offer access to amazing properties and it will come down to what you want to see. English Heritage is better if you love history while the National Trust includes lots more outside locations and a wider variety of days out.
Is Warwick Castle National Trust?
The Castle is privately owned and is not affiliated with National Trust properties. As a result of this members of the National Trust are not entitled to free entry.
Where else can I use my National Trust membership?
Using your card across the world Members of the National Trust for England, Wales and Northern Ireland also benefit from free visiting arrangements with 14 similar heritage organisations in other countries including Scotland, Italy, the Bahamas and Canada via the International National Trusts Organisation (INTO).
Can you go to National Trust without a membership?
Please note: if you're not a National Trust member, you'll still need to pay for your own entry.
Is Tower of London free for English Heritage members?
Tower of London only ticket prices from (excluding donation): Members: Free. Adult: £33.60. Child age 5-15: £16.80.