Does Monterey Bay Aquarium have penguins?

Does Monterey Bay Aquarium have penguins? The colony of African penguins in our Splash Zone exhibit is a must-see on any visit. These stout little birds are endlessly entertaining as they preen, feed, sleep, waddle and swim. There are several mated pairs and each of our penguins has a name — you can spot them by the identification bands on their wings!

What month is best to see penguins?

But when should you go to Antarctica to see penguins? Trips to Antarctica travel between November and March yet it's important to know exactly which penguins are doing what during which months so you don't go at a time when penguin viewing will be less than stellar. November is a beautiful time to go to Antarctica.

What zoo in California has penguins?

At the San Diego Zoo, guests can see a colony of African penguins, native to the waters and shorelines of southern Africa. Penguins move leisurely on land, where they nest and rest, but they are nimble and swift in the water.

Does the Aquarium of the Pacific have penguins?

Be sure to visit the June Keyes Penguin Habitat at the Aquarium and witness the behaviors and personalities of these penguins firsthand.