Does Mexico use Lyft?

Does Mexico use Lyft? Although Lyft does not yet plan to offer mobility services in Mexico, the expansion of its team could be a step in that direction. Demands by rideshare services are continuously increasing in urban centers, particularly by younger populations with shifting preferred modes of transportation.

Is it safe to Uber in Cancun?

Currently, it is not recommended to use Uber from the Cancun International Airport. Booking ahead of time through the airport or a private company may be the best and safest option when leaving the Cancun Airport.

Is it better to take a taxi or Uber in Cancun?

Is it safer to take a taxi or Uber when getting around Cancun? Even though Uber may be more affordable than taxis, the ride-hailing service is not widely available and its scope of driving is limited – it is not allowed at the airport and often stopped at resorts (where taxis usually wait in front).

Do you tip in Mexico City?

RESTAURANT WAITERS/WAITRESSES You may choose to leave more for exceptional service, and less for poor service. If the service was good most people, at least in Mexico City, tend to give a 10% tip if the party was up to 5 persons. If the party was bigger, usually a 15% tip is given.