Does Madeira have earthquakes?
Does Madeira have earthquakes? In the area you have selected (Madeira Islands (Por.)) earthquake hazard is classified as very low according to the information that is currently available. This means that there is less than a 2% chance of potentially-damaging earthquake shaking in your project area in the next 50 years.
Is Portugal at risk of tsunami?
Tsunamis in Portugal are comparatively rare, but still possible due to the country's geographical location on the western edge of the Iberian Peninsula. They usually occur due to seismic activity in the Atlantic Ocean.
Is Madeira at risk of tsunami?
In the area you have selected (Ilha Da Madeira (madeira)) tsunami hazard is classified as low according to the information that is currently available.
Is Madeira on a fault line?
Locally with an expressive geomorphological degraded scarp, is running parallel to the elongation of the island, and has the maximum extension of 56 km. It corresponds to a major dextral fault with a northern collapse, confirmed by several field observations.
Has a tsunami ever hit Madeira?
On March 4th, 1930, a sector of the Cape Girão cliff, located in the southern shore of Madeira Island, collapsed into the sea and generated an 8 m tsunami wave height.
Has Madeira ever had a tsunami?
To achieve this, we use the prime example of Madeira, a volcanic island in the Atlantic Ocean highly vulnerable to cliff-failure. Particularly, we explore the March 4th, 1930 Cabo Girão event that triggered a deadly tsunami.