Does Kauai have seals or sea lions?

Does Kauai have seals or sea lions? One of the most critically endangered marine mammals on earth, the Hawaiian Monk Seal, can be seen on the beaches of Kauai. And, peak birthing season for monk seals is right around the corner.

What animal is unique in Hawaii?

The Hawaiian Monk seal ('ilio holo i ka uaua) is found only in Hawai?i, with most of the population frequenting the remote, nearly uninhabited Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Monk Seals are critically endangered, and are the second rarest seal species on earth (their Mediterranean cousins own that distinction).

What ocean is Kauai on?

The eight main Islands of Hawaii(Big Island), Maui, Kahoolawe, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, Kauai, and Niihau are the tallest mountains of an extensive range covering nearly 3,500 miles of the Pacific Ocean basin.

What is Kauai known for?

Why Kauai, you ask? Well, let's start with the fact that it's known as the “Garden Island,” thanks to its lush greenery and vibrant flowers. But that's not all! Kauai is also famous for its stunning natural attractions, from the majestic Waimea Canyon to the awe-inspiring Napali Coast.

Is it safe to swim in the ocean in Kauai?

Kauai's beaches at times, are exposed to strong waves and rip currents can form without notice. Choose a Kauai beach with a lifeguard. Before entering the water, check for any warning signs indicating hazardous conditions.

Which is better Maui or Kauai?

If you're ready to trade the hustle and bustle for variety and adventure in your life, Maui probably sounds like the perfect escape. If you're looking for something quieter and family-friendly, with plenty of outdoor activities and natural beauty, Kauai is the ideal island paradise.

Where not to swim Kauai?

Lumahai is the subject of many postcards and paintings, but is also known on island as one of the most dangerous beaches for drownings and is not recommended for swimming. During the summer months the conditions at Luimahai are calmer, but still use caution. Lumahai is exposed to open ocean and strong currents.