Does it rain at Victoria Falls?

Does it rain at Victoria Falls? January to March is the peak rainy season in Victoria Falls. Temperature and humidity rise and tropical thunderstorms are common.

Is Devils pool safe?

Overall, Devil's Pool offers visitors the opportunity to swim in close proximity to the edge of Victoria Falls. However, it is considered a relatively safe experience due to the natural rock formations that create a barrier between swimmers and the falling water.

What is the rainy season in Victoria Falls?

Rains start to return in November, and December-March is the peak of the rainy season in Victoria Falls. This is the best time to witness those amazing colorful rainbows you see in photographs. Rains typically come in the form of dramatic afternoon thunderstorms.

How many days do I need at Victoria Falls?

Most hotels in Victoria Falls are booked on a bed-and-breakfast basis. We would recommend a minimum stay of two nights and an ideal stay of three nights. If you want to experience everything this location has to offer and take part in various activities, you may even want to stay four nights or longer.

Is Victoria Falls better than Niagara Falls?

The sheer size of Victoria also makes it a more grandiose site than Niagara, with the surface area twice as big than that of its rival – so there's much more to see as you travel around the falls' perimeter.

What is the best month to visit Victoria Falls?

The best time to visit the spectacular Victoria Falls is from February to May, directly after the region's summer rains, when you'll see the world's largest sheet of falling water flowing at its greatest volume.

Can I wear shorts in Victoria Falls?

During the day shorts and t-shirts are very much the order of the day. During the evening the top-end hotels have a smart-casual dress code and most other places are very casual, even shorts will suffice.

Is it safe to walk around Victoria Falls at night?

Safety at night:Unsafe. Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe carries a relative risk for solo female travelers, particularly at night. It is generally safer to avoid walking alone at night due to instances of petty crime such as pickpocketing and muggings.

When not to go to Victoria Falls?

We don't recommend visiting the Falls at the end of the dry winter season – October through November – when the water level is lowest, and the weather is very hot and humid.

How long is the walk to Victoria Falls?

Explore this 2.4-mile loop trail near Victoria Falls, Matabeleland North. Generally considered an easy route, it takes an average of 56 min to complete. This is a very popular area for hiking and walking, so you'll likely encounter other people while exploring.

Do I need malaria pills for Victoria Falls?

high all year round in the north, east and northwest of the country including the valley of Zambezi River, Victoria Falls, national parks Chizarira, Hwange, Gonarezhou and Mana. We recommend the use of mosquito-repellent measures from dusk till morning, in combination with the use of malaria tablets.

What do I need to know before visiting Victoria Falls?

Top Travel Tips for Victoria Falls Don't miss out: most hotels or lodges will gladly arrange activities on arrival for you, however, booking in advance is recommended to ensure availability on elephant-back safaris as these are often fully booked.

Why is Victoria Falls so special?

The Mosi-oa-Tunya/Victoria Falls is the world's greatest sheet of falling water and significant worldwide for its exceptional geological and geomorphological features and active land formation processes with outstanding beauty attributed to the falls i.e. the spray, mist and rainbows.