Does it rain a lot in St. Kitts?
Does it rain a lot in St. Kitts? Kitts and Nevis have a wet season between July and December, during which the islands receive up to 150-250 mm of rainfall per month, and a drier season between January and April. Mean annual precipitation on Nevis is about 1170 mm, while the average rainfall in St. Kitts is strongly related to altitude.
What is crime like in St. Kitts?
Crime. Most visits are trouble-free, but there have been incidents of crime including murder, armed robbery and sexual assault. You should maintain at least the same level of personal security awareness as you would in the UK and make sure your accommodation is secure.
How long is the boat ride from St Kitts to Nevis?
Getting Around. From St Kitts to Nevis: The two islands are separated by a 2 mile channel. If you arrive in St Kitts, you can take a short taxi journey from the airport to the ferry port and take the 45 minute scenic ferry ride to Nevis. The ferry goes twice daily.
What is the rainy season in St. Kitts?
The islands of St. Kitts and Nevis have a wet season between July and December, during which the islands receive up to 150-250 mm of rainfall per month, and a drier season between January and April. Mean annual precipitation on Nevis is about 1170 mm, while the average rainfall in St.
Can you swim from St Kitts to Nevis?
The Nevis to St Kitts crossing is a significant open water swim of 4.1 km/2.5mile across The Narrows. Conditions during the event may be challenging and swimmers should have a good understanding of open water swimming.
What do I need to know before going to St Kitts?
You'll need a passport (by air) that's valid for six or more months past your visit, or passport card (by sea), to enter and exit St. Kitts and Nevis. Customs officials might also ask you to provide proof of sufficient funds, as well as proof of a return or onward trip.
Is there poverty in St. Kitts?
Saint Kitts and Nevis is a small two-island country that enjoys one of the highest GDP per capita in Latin America and the Caribbean. However, almost 1 in 5 people on the island lives in poverty as per the last governmental socio-economic survey.
What is the main currency in St. Kitts?
The Eastern Caribbean Dollar (EC$) is the local currency used on St Kitts and Nevis and can be obtained at any bank. Most places accept US dollars, but change will be given in EC. Most hotels and restaurants and larger stores accept credit cards, but local stores seldom do.
Why is St. Kitts so expensive?
It is more expensive to live in St Kitts and Nevis than in most of the Caribbean islands due to the fact that the country has to import many of its products. However, the favorable tax system makes up for the extra spending.
What is the nicest part of St Kitts?
Kittian Village is a luxurious, purpose-built resort area on the eastern coast of St Kitts, around 20 minutes' drive from the capital. With a host of hotels and many restaurants to choose from, this is the most popular place to stay on the island.
Is St Kitts safe at night?
Safety at night:Moderate St Kitts and Nevis are relatively safe islands, though precautions should still be taken, particularly at night. Generally, it's advisable to avoid secluded areas and stick to well-lit and populated places where you feel comfortable.