Does it matter how many people stay in hotel room?

Does it matter how many people stay in hotel room? Most of the time the hotel staff doesn't care if you have an extra person, but for safety reasons, it is extremely important to know how many guests are staying in a room. For instance, let's say there is a fire in the hotel you're staying in.

Do both guests need to check in?

1 Answer. In places where hotels are required to register their guests with the local authorities, they will ask for the ID of all guests. Hence all guests might not need to be present to check-in, but their ID's will. Other hotels might just ask for one ID.

Do hotels mind if 5 people stay in a 2 person room?

If you attempt to have five people stay in a 2-person room, it is likely to be against the hotel's policies. Most hotels strictly enforce their occupancy limits to ensure the safety and comfort of all guests and to comply with local regulations.

What happens if you get caught with more people in a hotel room?

You can get kicked out of a hotel for having more guests in your room than the number you originally stated during booking or check-in. Hotels have occupancy limits and fire safety regulations that they must follow, and having too many people in a room can put everyone's safety at risk.

Why can you only have 4 people in a hotel room?

More people means more towels, more noise, more people in the gym and swimming pool, and more of the chance for the room to get damaged. Hotels don't want to get a reputation for wild parties, drugs, and prostitutes, the sort of things that people who lie about how many guests are in their room are liable to do.

Can 2 people stay in a hotel room booked for 1?

When two people stay in a hotel room that is only reserved for one, the hotel may charge an additional fee for the extra person. This fee is often referred to as a double occupancy or extra person fee.

How to fit 5 people in 1 hotel room?

Yes but you need to get one large enough with 2 queen beds and ability to bring in a rollaway bed or perhaps has a sleeper sofa. Comfort Suites and other “suite” type hotels will likely have more room for a larger family.

Do you have to list all guests on hotel reservation?

Yes, it does matter if there are two guests instead of one on a hotel reservation. Hotels typically charge per person and may have additional fees for extra guests. Additionally, some hotels may not be able to accommodate more than one guest in the room booked.

Do hotels mind if 5 people stay in a 4 person room?

Hotel policies on additional guests can vary widely. While some hotels may allow a certain number of guests per room at no extra charge, others may charge a fee for any additional person, regardless of their age. Some hotels may even have strict occupancy limits to maintain the comfort and safety of all guests.

Can you sleep 6 people in a 4 person hotel room?

While it is possible to sleep six people in a four-person hotel room, it's important to consider the comfort and privacy of everyone involved. By understanding hotel policies, utilizing existing bedding, and maximizing the available space, you can make the most of your stay.

Do hotels care about number of guests?

Do hotels mind if 5 people stay in a 2 person room? No, hotels typically don't mind if 5 people stay in a 2 person room. However, it is important to check with the hotel beforehand as some may have restrictions on how many people can occupy a single room.

What happens if you have 5 people in a 4 person room?

Having 5 in a 4 person room will cause you problems. One person won't be able to take advantage of Extra Magic Hours. Housekeeping will not give you bedding for a 5th person, and may in fact report you, which would mean you would either be asked to leave or made to get another room at rack rate.

What is the rule of entering a guest room?

SOP for Entering the Guest Room Knock the door with knuckles and announce in pleasant voice, “Housekeeping…”. Wait for five seconds to hear the guest's response. In case of no response, announce the same again. In there is no answer second time too, open the door with the key.

Can you lie about how many guests in a hotel room?

For these reasons, hotels take extra guests seriously and may charge additional fees or ask guests to leave if they are found to have more guests in their room than they originally stated. It's always best to be honest and upfront about how many people will stay in your hotel room.

Can you fit 3 people in a 2 person hotel room?

Hotel staff do care if three people are staying in a room booked for two people. Depending on the hotel, they may charge an additional fee or require that you book another room to accommodate the third person.