Does Hilo rain everyday?
Does Hilo rain everyday? So, Does it Always Rain in Hilo? The answer is both yes and no. We show a high chance of rain every day on the weather report, and they are almost always correct. If we don't get our early morning rain, that is unusual.
Is Hilo colder than Kona?
In West Hawaii, Kailua-Kona is typically a few degrees warmer and quite a bit more arid than tropical Hilo. It can stay warmer in the evening (unless you are higher up in the Kona hills.) It's typically warm and sunny near the ocean, and partly cloudy in the hills.
Is Hilo muggy?
It can be very hot and humid in summer. Rain, you know, it just depends. This summer has been rainy on the whole island because of the very active hurricane season. But sometimes in summer, Hilo weather is sunny for days or weeks.
Is Hilo the dry side of the Big Island?
The west side (Kona side) is called the 'dry side' of the island, and the east side (Hilo side) the 'wet side'.
Is Hilo the rainiest city?
Hilo, Hawaii It's also known as the wettest place in the United States, averaging about 12 in. of rain per month. Its wettest month is December where it sees an average of 19 inches of rainfall for the month.
Can you drink the water in Hilo?
For the latest quarter assessed by the U.S. EPA (January 2021 - March 2021), tap water provided by this water utility was in compliance with federal health-based drinking water standards.