Does Greece have proper toilets?

Does Greece have proper toilets? She says toilets vary depending on the region and type of establishment you are visiting. “Upmarket hotels, restaurants and airports will typically have clean and well-maintained toilets. The toilets in some local tavernas, coffee shops, bus stations and even ancient sites might not be as well-maintained,” she says.

Can you swim in the water in Santorini?

However, swimming in the clear blue water of Santorini is wonderfully refreshing. Since the beaches have coarse sand, there's little dust to cloud the water. Don't come to Santorini primarily for the beaches – come for the volcano boat tours, incredible views, wine, hikes, nightlife, and great food.

What is the toilet etiquette in Greece?

The biggest thing is to note is simply this: don't flush toilet paper down the loo. You will find there are bins to the side of the toilet where you can dispose of your tissue instead. The bins tend to have lids and foot pedals and are emptied at least once daily, so it's not as gruesome as it sounds.

Does Santorini have a sewer system?

The pumping of wastewater and the waste-water treatment systems should meet in the large population increase during the summer months.

Do you tip in Greece restaurants?

Restaurant workers in Greece don't expect you to tip, though the restaurant may sometimes charge a service fee. That fee can function as a tip instead, though it may go to the restaurant instead of the server. If you want to see your waiter receive the tip, you're better off leaving coins with the bill.

Where do you put toilet paper Greece?

A pedal bin is usually provided by the side of the WC in which paper should be placed.

Can I drink the water in Greece?

Is it safe to drink the tap water in Greece? In Athens and most places across mainland Greece, the tap water is perfectly safe to drink. In harbor towns and the Greek Islands, however, it is generally better to drink bottled water, which is readily available and very cheap.

Should I bring a reusable water bottle to Greece?

Best Water Bottle If you're looking to cut down on plastic waste, you'll want to bring a reusable bottle along with you — plus, it'll help save you money, as you won't need to be buying water everywhere you go.

Are there toilets in Santorini?

If the route takes in say a village with a taverns/cafe, or main tourist sites like Akrotiri, or Ancient Thera. They have toilet facilities. Tavernas/cafes tend to spring up in some remote scenic locations on Santorini along main roads because of the numbers of tourists.

Do you have to pay for public toilets in Greece?

Do You Pay for Public Bathrooms in Greece? Public restrooms in Greece cost money (around 50 cents). Most restrooms are fairly clean, but many of the toilets don't have seats so you'll need to squat over them. To be safe, I recommend carrying around some hand sanitizer in case the bathroom you visit doesn't have soap!

Can you brush your teeth with tap water in Santorini?

Drinking water They in fact rely on having water delivered to them. Needless to say, bottled water is a popular product on Santorini! We recommend that you always use bottled water for drinking. Washing up and brushing your teeth can be safely done using tap water throughout the island.

Can you drink tap water in Athens?

The answer is yes. Tap water in Athens is absolutely safe to drink. This is why we do not have to buy water bottles since all buildings have direct access to drinkable water from the nearby lakes Marathon and Yliki.

Can you swim in Santorini?

The swimming in Santorini is unique and beautiful. The water is crystal clear, while the geological formations are quite different from other areas of the world due to coming from a volcano.