Does Greece have a stray dog problem?

Does Greece have a stray dog problem? In many Greek cities, walking one block without seeing a stray cat or a dog is impossible. Whether a person is eating, walking, driving, or even at the beach, you are almost guaranteed to find at least one stray animal.

Why are there so many street dogs in Greece?

GREECE ALONE IS ESTIMATED TO HAVE almost 3 million stray and homeless dogs and cats, in a country with 11 million inhabitants. This is HUGE!. Stray pets are a man-made problem. Every stray pet was once someone's pet, or the puppy or kitten of someone's pet that was abandoned.

Can you touch the cats in Greece?

You can pet the cats in Greece. I just made sure to Purell my hands afterward!

Do dogs roam freely in Greece?

Everywhere you go in Greece, you see dogs roaming about. They're usually large, well fed and quite friendly. Some of them wear collars too.

Is Greece a dog friendly country?

In Greece, like much of North America, dogs are regular additions to family units. Therefore, dogs are permitted, by law, in all open, outdoor public spaces, including parks and the sidewalks, so long as you abide by the regulations.