Does Galveston sell liquor on Sunday?

Does Galveston sell liquor on Sunday? Can people now also buy liquor on Sunday? No. The amendment to the law does not allow for a change in liquor sales, which must end at 9 p.m. Monday-Saturday and are not allowed on Sunday.

Can you walk down the street with alcohol in Texas?

Is it Legal to Have an Open Container in Texas in Public? Contrary to popular belief, there is no statewide ban prohibiting public consumption of alcohol in Texas, unless you are in a state park or in an area of a city where it has specifically been deemed illegal.

Can you drink in the backseat of a car in Texas?

No. In Texas, open containers are prohibited in any seating area of a vehicle, including the driver's side, passenger side or backseat. It's illegal to knowingly possess an Open Container of alcohol in a vehicle on a public highway. It doesn't matter if the vehicle is stopped or parked.