Does full legal name include middle Canada?

Does full legal name include middle Canada? Middle names are considered part of the given name field, and thus should always be included in the first name(s) field. For example, if the passport full name is “Edward Samuel Andersen” then the first name field would be “Edward Samuel” and the last name field would be “Andersen”.

Does your full name include middle name?

What does 'full name' mean? An individual's 'full name' is their whole, legal name. It includes their full first name (forename), middle name(s) or initial(s) if any, and their full last name (surname). Usually, a person's full name is the name stated on their passport or driver's licence.

What is considered my full legal name?

A. In general, the requestor's full legal name is comprised of his or her: Given name (first name);? Middle name(s) (if any); and? Family name (last name).