Does Fraser Island have stingers?

Does Fraser Island have stingers? Marine stingers such as Irukandji jellyfish and other dangerous marine life are present, especially during the summer months, in the waters off K'gari (Fraser Island), Hervey Bay and the Great Sandy Strait.

Do you need stinger suits in Cairns?

We highly recommend wearing the stinger suits ? regardless of the time of year ? as it will not only protect you from cairns jellyfish stings, but also provide sun protection in the tropical climate. Snorkellers do not need to fear cairns jellyfish on the Great Barrier Reef. Jellyfish are found around the world.

Is snorkeling in Cairns safe?

Marine Stingers. Two types of marine stingers, or jellyfish, are found on Cairns' Great Barrier Reef. Both are poisonous and can leave painful stings and sometimes scars. Usually, they are only present in the waters between November and May, but this may change pending weather conditions.

What should I be careful of on Fraser Island?

The Water Dangers Swimming in the ocean on Fraser Island is not recommended in most areas, due to both the strong current and dangerous wildlife roaming the waters. The riptides of Fraser island are stronger than most, spotted all along the shores, and causing very dangerous swimming conditions.

Can you get stung through a stinger suit?

Having said that, you should always try to avoid swimming in waters with jellyfish where possible. The suit provides an extra layer of protection but that doesn't mean it's 100% full proof when it comes to preventing jellyfish stings.

Is it safe to swim off Fraser Island?

But if you're wondering “can you swim on Fraser Island?”, the answer is yes! There are over 40 lakes and creeks on the island where you can swim safely without the risk of riptides or dangerous creatures.