Does flying aggravate vertigo?

Does flying aggravate vertigo? Dealing with vertigo while flying can be tough, but it is possible. Sometimes, travelling on a plane can be very stressful, and if you're stressed, your vertigo may get worse. If you get very anxious whilst flying then you should take steps to manage this stress to manage your symptoms the best you can.

Does vertigo get worse on a plane?

On the airplane itself, the worst parts are take off and landing - the acceleration and deceleration tend to trip up your vestibular system a bit. Once you're airborne, there's no crazy stimulation of your vestibular system.

Can you fly with vestibular issues?

Obstacles like rapid altitude changes, visual disturbances, patterned airport carpets, and passive motion can amplify symptoms. Many people with vestibular dysfunction need accommodations or restrictions to prevent symptoms, attacks, or flare-ups. Having a vestibular disorder should not prevent someone from traveling.

Can flying trigger vertigo?

Changes in air pressure during flying can cause ear-drum pain and perforation, vertigo, and hearing loss.

Where is the best place to sit on a plane for vertigo?

Choose a seat between the plane's wings or closer to the front of the airplane, where the ride tends to be more stable. Avoid sitting in the back of the plane.