Does exposure to aircraft noise increase the risk of hospitalization?

Does exposure to aircraft noise increase the risk of hospitalization? Researchers found that, on average, zip codes with 10-decibel higher aircraft noise had a 3.5% higher cardiovascular hospital admission rate.

How safe are long distance flights?

Flying is the safest form of long-distance transport the world has ever known. In 2018, some 4.3 billion passengers flew safely on over 46 million flights. The fatal accident rate was 0.28 per million flights, the equivalent of one fatal accident for every 4.2 million flights.

How do you cope with airplane noise?

How to Stop Airplane Noise in Your Home
  1. Invest in a good pair of sound cancelling headphones.
  2. Request different flight paths and file complaints with your local airport.
  3. If all else fails, and you feel airplane noise is taking a toll on your health, consider moving.

How do you live with aircraft noise?

If the noise of flights passing overhead is unbearable and you're able to do some repairs on your home, you may also consider getting some noise-canceling curtains, insulating your windows and doors and filling in any sound gaps that may help quiet your environment.

Does aircraft noise affect sleep?

Published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, the study found that people who were exposed to airplane noise at levels as low as 45 dB were more likely to sleep less than 7 hours per night.

Can living near an airport affect your health?

Living near an airport can have negative effects on health and quality of life due to noise pollution and air pollution from aircrafts. The noise from airplanes can disrupt sleep, increase stress levels and lead to hearing loss.

How do you sleep when you live near an airport?

If the noise of flights passing overhead is unbearable and you're able to do some repairs on your home, you may also consider getting some noise-canceling curtains, insulating your windows and doors and filling in any sound gaps that may help quiet your environment.

How does aircraft noise affect humans?

Aircraft noise is intermittent in nature and exposure to it during the night may result in sleep disturbance. Noise-induced sleep disturbance refers to awakenings, changes to sleep structure such as changes to sleep stages, arousals in heart rate, and body movements.